Editorial Team Guidelines

The Journal of Applied Engineering & Technology (JAET) is a globally recognized scientific journal that follows a rigorous peer-review process. It operates on a bi-annual schedule and provides an open-access platform for scholarly articles. JAET specializes in disseminating cutting-edge research focused on inventive applications, advancements in technology, and effective solutions within diverse domains of engineering, computing, and technology.

Published content in JAET includes research papers that present significant findings derived from experimental, theoretical, and numerical investigations. The journal maintains a high standard of quality by exclusively accepting review papers that contribute substantively to the field. This approach ensures that the published material meets stringent criteria and upholds the journal's commitment to excellence in engineering and technology research.

The role and responsibility of Editorial Team is explicitly explained in the following sections.

Journal SOPs

All new Editorial Members is required to follow the journal SOPs https://jae-tech.com/index.php/jaet/SOPs

Scope of Journal

The editorial member should check the scope of the submitted article before processing for blind peer review process. The scope of the journal in detail can be seen https://jae-tech.com/index.php/jaet/about

Review Process

All Editorial Members should follow the review process for smooth run of the journal. Complete review process flow chart is given at https://jae-tech.com/index.php/jaet/reviewprocees

Publication Ethics

This statement clarifies ethical behavior of all parties involved in the act of publishing an article in this journal, including the authors, the chief editor, the Editorial Board, the peer-reviewers. This statement is based on COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. The parties in the publication must agree upon standards of expected ethical behavior for publication. Further guidelines are given at https://jae-tech.com/index.php/jaet/ethicalguidlines


For further information please visit https://jae-tech.com/index.php/jaet/index